Plan for the APTA Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy this year!
Reminder to Budget for the APTA
Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy
‘Tis the season for… budgeting! Yes, it can be a daunting task. But a successful year lies ahead, so let's dream big and plan ahead now. Consider the APTA Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy as part of your strategy.
Membership in the Academy gives members access to a wealth of resources, educational opportunities, and incredible event experiences. As part of our mission, we are dedicated to helping you connect with endless career advancement opportunities as well as a network of friends and supporters.
Members can pay their annual membership dues in one lump sum at the time of renewal.
Monthly Payment Plan
In response to member requests, we now offer a set-and-forget monthly dues payment plan, available to all renewing APTA Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy members.
Once set up, there's nothing more to do: The monthly installments will be processed through an autopay system, and you can even arrange to have your membership auto-renew each year.
Easy Renewal
By paying with a credit or debit card, renewing members can set their membership to automatically renew each year.
*Dues discounts are available for graduating student members.
If you have any questions or need help, please reach out to
Membership in the Academy gives members access to a wealth of resources, educational opportunities, and incredible event experiences. As part of our mission, we are dedicated to helping you connect with endless career advancement opportunities as well as a network of friends and supporters.
You Get to Decide How You Pay Your Dues:
Annual PaymentMembers can pay their annual membership dues in one lump sum at the time of renewal.
Monthly Payment Plan
In response to member requests, we now offer a set-and-forget monthly dues payment plan, available to all renewing APTA Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy members.
Once set up, there's nothing more to do: The monthly installments will be processed through an autopay system, and you can even arrange to have your membership auto-renew each year.
Easy Renewal
By paying with a credit or debit card, renewing members can set their membership to automatically renew each year.
*Dues discounts are available for graduating student members.

Annual Members Meeting Live+
January 21, 2023 | Live VirtualThe Big Splash + Board at the Bar
February 23, 2023 | San Diego, CaliforniaAPTA Combined Sections Meeting
February 23-25, 2023 | San Diego, CaliforniaIf you have any questions or need help, please reach out to