
2023 House of Delegates Report


2023 House of Delegates
  • The 2023 House session was held as a hybrid event beginning July 8 in a virtual format and continuing onsite July 23-24 in Washington, D.C.
  • Elections were held July 8. The House elected a Treasurer, Speaker, three Directors, two Nominating Committee members, and one Director to fulfill a one-year unexpired term.
  • The House was also provided an opportunity to ask questions about House reports presented via the 2023 House of Delegates Reports document and the 2022 APTA Annual Report.
  • Twenty-eight motions were forwarded to the 2023 House for consideration. Four motions were passed on the consent calendar. Of the twenty-four remaining motions, 18 were deliberated with, 14 motions passed, two motions defeated, and two motions postponed indefinitely. One motion was ruled out of order and five motions were withdrawn.
  • Final motion language will be available in the House of Delegates minutes available by September 29. Please see the Post House Packet for interim language.
One of the motions passed was a bylaws amendment allowing components the right to seat one PTA as part of their delegation. Components are able to decide whether to do this or not, given the many factors involved including the size of the delegation and the need to revise the component's bylaws, among other things. I have passed this information to the APTA Aquatics Board of Directors for their consideration of this new opportunity. APTA Aquatics welcomes your thoughts about this topic, so feel free to share them no later than November 15, 2023, at In the meantime, PTAs will continue to have two votes from the PTA council (formerly the PTA Caucus).

Motions that were passed included:
  • Promotion of PTs as providers for treatment of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.
  • Support for education that includes identifying signs of human trafficking.
  • Exploring alternate models for PTA education and practice.
  • Providing social media marketing strategies to components.
  • Inclusion of PT referral in clinical guidelines and recommendations.
  • Providing resources related to screening, referral, and participation in community-based health promotion and physical activity programs.
  • Promotion of Pay Equity based on sex at birth/gender/gender identity.
  • Advocating for a streamlined credentialing process that emphasizes portability.
  • Promoting primacy of regulatory statutes and regulations over third-party payor policies.
Also a part of this year's house were several generative discussion sessions, in large groups and small groups, to discuss the role of the house in the future of the profession. Most of the discussion centered around communication, the ability to discuss potential RCs in small groups prior to bringing them forward, emphasis on motions that enhance the profession, and collaboration with the APTA Board of Directors. All of this information was gathered and shared with the House officers and they will report back with thoughts and strategies as we move forward. The emphasis was preparing for the graduates of 2030 (current high school seniors). 

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or clarifications needed.


Beth Ennis
Delegate, Academy of Aquatic PT



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