
Award Spotlight: Richard Ruoti Research Award For Excellence


Chosen annually, the Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy honors members who have made exceptional contributions to the advancement of aquatic physical therapy through research, performance, leadership, and innovation.

The awards acknowledge the Academy's appreciation of the inspiring contributions that have lasting impact, demonstrate the highest level of professionalism, and deliver exceptional results in aquatic physical therapy.
“The depth and breadth of last year's winners are a testament to the innovative and inspiring work being done across our field, and the commitment our members bring to their patients each and every day.” - Michael Murray, PT, DPT, APTA Aquatics President 

Named for one of the founders of the of the Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy who was dedicated to exemplary research in the area of aquatic therapy, this award recognizes exceptional research that impacts Aquatic Physical Therapy.

The potential recipient must be a licensed physical therapist or physical therapy assistant in good standing with the Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy at the time of the application submission.

The following documents are required by the deadline:
  • Letter of recommendation written by an Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy member in good standing, and must include why this applicant is worthy to receive the Section's highest research award;
  • List of published research that qualifies this applicant for consideration for the Ruoti Award; and
  • Copy of the published research article or abstract that is being presented as evidence of this candidate's research efforts.

The process to submit a nomination is easy. Simply click the submit nomination link below, and answer a few questions including some details about your nominee's outstanding work, and then submit.

The deadline to submit a nomination is Monday, December 19, 2022.

Submit Nomination





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