
How Long to Treat in Pool with Mask?

Would you be willing to take a brief survey? The Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy is wondering how many hours aquatic therapists are now treating in the pool, while wearing a mask, during these COVID times. 
How Long to Treat in Pool with Mask?
Dear members,
Would you be willing to take a brief survey
The Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy is wondering how many hours aquatic therapists are now treating in the pool, while wearing a mask, during these COVID times. This 5-question survey should take about 2 minutes of your time, and will look at the how your work-life has changed from hours in the pool pre-COVID to now. With this information we will share the results and may assist in answering the question: “How long “should/can” we treat in the pool while masked?” Thank you in advance for your participation and contributions to our profession.
Nicole Needles, PT, DPT
Director of Practice



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