
We Need You!

APTA Aquatics is seeking to fill appointed and elected volunteer positions. Appointed positions means that the President (usually) selects the volunteer for the position. Elected positions means that the membership selects the volunteer for the positions. Either way, we need you to raise your hand so we know you are interested! If you are passionate about aquatic physical therapy and you have a bit of time to give, please respond to this email. We are happy to help you learn the ropesso don't let that be a barrier. This is a great way to meet other aquatic therapists from across the nation, grow your resume, do something you're passionate about, and advance the profession.
Appointed Positions
MAHC Representative - This person will represent the Academy on the MAHC Regulatory Committee. Attendance at periodic virtual meetings is necessary and occasional, brief written reports to the Board of Directors is required. Time commitment is about 4-6 hours a year.
Education Committee Member - This person will participate in monthly, virtual evening meetings with the Education Committee and participate in generating education content ideas, evaluating current educational opportunities, and assisting the chair in coordinating future educational events. Time commitment is about 1-2 hours a month.
Website Reviewer - This person is a part of the Communications Committee. The committee meets once a month, virtually in the evenings. This person participates in committee meeting discussions and reviews the website to ensure it is up-to-date and links are working. Any changes to the website should be communicated to the academy's office so they can make the adjustments. Time commitment is about 2 hours a month.
Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy Peer Reviewer - This person will review articles assigned to them by the editors. Time commitment for this position is 0-3 hours per month depending on if and how many articles are assigned. If interested in this position, please provide your CV.
Federal Affairs Liaison - This person represents the Academy regarding APTA's federal advocacy efforts. You can find a detailed job description here (about 1/2 way down the page). Since we are an academy, you can disregard all parts of the job description that say "state" or "chapter". Occasional, brief written reports to the Board of Directors is required. Time commitment is about 1 hour per month.
Reimbursement Chair - Sometimes the Academy receives emails or call about Aquatic reimbursements. This person assists the Director of Practice in providing resources and answering these types of questions. Time commitment is 0-1 hour per month, depending on if we receive a question or not that month.
Research Committee Member - This person assists the Director of Research with reviewing poster and platform presentation applications, grant applications, and relaying updates to the Communications Committee for dissemination to the members. Time commitment is about 1-2 hours per month.
Membership Committee Member - This person participates in monthly, virtual meetings in the evening to discuss member engagement opportunities and retention efforts. Sometimes there are tasks that are assigned, so time commitment is 1-2 hours per month.
If you are interested in any of these positions, don't be shy! Send an email to We can't wait to hear from you and get to know you!
Elected Positions
The Academy is electing the following positions this year:
  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Nominating Committee Member
  • Director of Communications
  • Director of Practice
  • Director of Membership
  • Delegate
Elections will be held from October 12-26. Those who receive the most votes in the election will take office at CSM 2022 (February 1-4). How do you get on the ballot? Easy! Complete this nomination form and we'll be in touch. Self-nominations are perfectly acceptable, so don't wait! We will stop taking nominations on July 23, 2021.



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