
Balance Course Now Available On-Demand


The current growth of the population ages 65 and older, driven in large by the baby boom generation, is unprecedented in U.S. history. While the increased longevity and improved health at older ages seen in many parts of the world represent one of the crowning achievements of the 20th century, these trends also present significant challenges.

Most aging adults don't think about their balance until they fall. Although older patients may be subject to most of the common balance disorders of younger patients, they have more problems with chronic disequilibrium and falls. The National Institute of Health reports that one in three people over 65 will experience a fall each year. 
The question is then, what can we do to help protect our aging patients and clients?
Balance training takes on a plethora of movement patterns, progressions, and testing. The aquatic environment is an ideal environment to learn correct neuromuscular communication and practice balance and movement coordination.

Balance Training
Available On-Demand I Your Schedule, Your Pace, Your

2.5 CCU I 0.25 CEU I 2.5 Contact Hours

This course will cover the complexities of balance, what occurs with the aging process to put us at risk not only to fall, but to decline, and just how powerful water can be as a tool at addressing balance deficits in our most at-risk patients.

Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course the learner will be able to:
  • Recognize the complexity of static/dynamic balance and the physiological systems required to perform it;
  • Recognize the importance of addressing both static and dynamic balance with therapeutic interventions;
  • Identify the unique components of water which facilitate balance training as noted in the literature; and
  • Recognize appropriate aquatic progressions that can benefit specific balance deficits.

Member Price: $150
Non-Member Price: $200




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