
Time is running out!


October 7-9, 2022 I Cleveland I 2.5 CEUs I 25 Contact Hours
Only 5 Seats Left!
Time is running out! Our next in-person pool course is a little over a week away, and we have an amazing line-up of education and training for attendees.

Participants will experience hands-on, in-pool training to integrate skills and knowledge learned from the previous seven online modules of the Aquatic Physical Therapy Clinical Competency Certificate Series. Emphasis will be placed on handling techniques to give participants confidence to apply their knowledge to a wide-base of treatment applications and also be challenged to maximize the effectiveness of their treatments using the unique properties of water and pool equipment.

Emily Dunlap, PT; Holly Lookabaugh-Deur PT, GCS, CEEAA; and/or Cathy Malonley-Hills, PT, DPT, TPS

1. Aquatic Physics
2. Critical Thinking and Aquatic Interventions for PT
3. Physiology of Immersion
Prerequisite courses must be completed before registration is allowed for the instructor-led pool course.
The pool course will consist of a practical and written exam.


Can you give a general sense of the pool course hours and activities?
The course runs 2 full days (Friday and Saturday 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.) and one short day (Sunday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.). We spend roughly 10 total hours in land lecture and 14 total hours in pool lab. The class size varies based on host pool size. Our smallest class is 12 and largest class size is 30. Staff ration of about 1:12 students. 

I want to train my entire staff and save money on travel expenses. Can you bring the Clinical Competency program to my aquatic facility?
We sure can! What a great way to build a strong team! Learn more here.

Why aren't there courses available in my state/region?
We are glad you asked! We are always looking for new host sites. Our current locations under contract were found by word-of-mouth. Our host sites have certain sized pools and a land-based classroom. We offer an honorarium, and 2 complimentary registrations. If you know of a pool in your area that would be interested in hosting the 3-day in-person pool course, please let us know.



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